Yes, as of today you are able to pre-order the favorite new toy from Apple and this time it`s a wearable device. Thank god it`s Friday! Or not? After the first impression and having read all the reviews from well respected reporters all over the world my mind was still telling me, got to have it 😉
But after carefully selecting my favorite AWS (Apple Watch Sport) it still felt a like picking a kinder surprise from a grab-bag on the fancy fair. If you really like to have a stylish device on your wrist, you have to choose from the better class of Apple watches with a real sapphire crystal display and a stainless steel case. However if you like this one better, it will easily cost you around 649€ and then you have the optional straps like the milanese loop or classic buckle adding an extra 169€
Nope, to much to handle for the first edition and like the reviewers advise said, go for the sports version or skip this one and wait for the next generation. However, still my mind was arguing with my heart and telling to order one right now to be the first with this breathtaking or should we say wrist-taking jewel? Did you see al the new specifications my heart said? Like calling someone with just lifting your arm and yelling “hey Siri” or navigate by foot with your watch telling which way to go by tapping on your wrist? Yeah right said my mind, but can you do this also without your iPhone?
So this time it still looks like the heart won, and it was time to pre-order this morning at 9:01 sharp, quickly made an extra apple-ID with a UK shipping address and ready, set, Go! This went well, but to my own surprise the delivery time at 9:02 was already set to 4-8 weeks meaning in the worst case scenario, mid-May or the beginning of June to have this walking beauty around my wrist. Euhh? Wrong answer my mind said. Let`s see if the better looking class Apple watch is still available. Again wrong answer, also at least four to six weeks delivery time according to the Apple store. My heart panics, shall we then go for the Apple Watch “Gold” edition with VIP treatment, starting from 10.999€ ? Wait a minute my mind said, wearing a gold watch feels like somebody who is already retired and enjoying the rest of his live, having all the time of the world. So why do you need to have a watch then? Again wrong answer, but this wearable is priceless so to speak, and for the same money you could easily buy a mid-sized car including taxes and petrol.
Finally my mind wins, and common sense has arrived. Why on earth do I want to buy a watch with almost all the features that my smartphone has? And you still would need to carry a smartphone (preferable the iPhone) to have all this features at you wrist. To be honest, I must say this is the first time I will skip the hunt for the latest Apple goodie. But somehow I feel that I have made the right decision. What is your heart telling you, got to have this shiny gadget or better luck next time?
Let me know your thoughts and share them with the rest of the early adaptor group of people. One more thing, I just found out you can ask Siri to tell you what time it is on your iPhone 😉
Enjoy your watch-less weekend.